Judie Wilson

05-01 Birthdate
USA Country
Dunkirk, MD Residence
Predator, Gulyassy Equipment(s)


Judie was born and raised in Cincinnati Ohio, and found her passion with competition in her teens as a springboard diver and on a national champion soccer team.   She had a career in Mainframe Computer Systems Programming and by retiring early from IT, she could finally pursue her love for pool.  She has qualified for multiple WPBA Regional Tour Championships and NAPT Division 2 National Championships, has placed frequently in the top 8 on the JPNEWT Regional Tour, has placed in the Super Billiards Expo Women's Pro event, the NAPT Coupe de Quebec, and the NAPT Inaugural 10-ball Invitational.    She loves rock music, sci-fi, dancing, bicycling, yoga, hiking and nature.