Predator Group Euro-Tour

Official Site

Web links

Gre Leenders


1992 - present

Years active


Game(s) played

Next Scheduled Event

Kamui Slovenia Open 2025

Lasko, SLO

July 10 - 13th, 2025


The Euro-Tour was founded by the EPBF in May 1992. It is the longest running International pool tournament series in the world. The Tour has stopped in almost every European country so far and has undergone some changes in its structure during the years to come to today’s format. Each tournament has in the main field 192-256 participants depending on the venue and the amount of tables. Formerly a 9-Ball only tour (with the slight exception of only one 8-Ball tournament in 1997), the Euro-Tour introduced 10-Ball in 2009. The two main ideas behind the inauguration of the Tour were the creation of a European ranking system that would be convincing and the raise of standard of the European top player’s level of performance by offering them a steady stage to compete against each other. The Euro-Tour has been the birthplace of many European players’ international careers and will definitely be the yardstick for upcoming stars to find out if they can make it to the top in our sport or not. Over the years, many players from outside Europe have participated in the Euro-Tour as well. Athletes from the USA, Asia, Africa and South America have made their way to Europe in order to compete with the best. All of them were amazed by the level of play they were confronted to in the various events. All Tournaments are hosted by the leading governing body for pool in Europe, the EPBF (European Pocket Billiard Federation) and organized by its marketing branch IBP (International Billiard Promotion). “We are very happy with the development of the Tour”, says Gre Leenders, President of the EPBF. “We have come a long way in order to find us where we are today, being the leading Tour on the planet in our sport”. “We have massively invested in our equipment and today, we are second to none with regards to tournament program and database, venue setup, digital arena, LiveStream and logistics”, stated David Morris, President of the IBP. “Our equipment is hauled to each tournament by a 40 tons truck. And the truck is full !”, comments Morris. In 2024, the Euro-Tour announced that they were ending their partnership with Dynamic Billiards and beginning a partnership with The Predator Group