Taguig Stallions Triumph as First-Ever Sharks Billiards Association Champions

The Sharks Billiards Association (SBA) Season 1 Finals concluded in a spectacular fashion, with the Taguig Stallions emerging victorious and claiming the highly coveted Chino Trinidad Championship Trophy.

This monumental achievement secures their place in SBA history as its inaugural champions, a reflection of their dedication, resilience, and exceptional skill.

On, Friday, December 20, 2024 , The final showdown between the Taguig Stallions and the Manila MSW Mavericks captivated fans, delivering a high-stakes battle filled with precision, strategy, and electrifying moments. The Stallions demonstrated their dominance with standout performances from Bryant “Bryant Urdaneta” Saguiped and Marc Ejay “Emong” Cunanan, whose remarkable contributions were
pivotal throughout the series. From the outset, the Stallions showcased their ability to perform under pressure, maintaining focus and determination against a challenging opponent.

Key moments in the series included Saguiped’s dominant play during Game 2’s King of the Hill match where he chalked up 8 straight racks against the Mavericks, as well as the Stallions’ thrilling performance during Game 4’s Sharks Doubles match which included a hill-hill nail biter, pushing the series to a fifth and final game. Team captain Rodrigo “Edgie” Geronimo’s calm demeanor and veteran poise shone through during the deciding match as he dominated Jonas “Silent Killer” Magpantay to clinch the championship for the Stallions..

Claiming the Chino Trinidad Championship Trophy represents a significant milestone not only for the Stallions but also for the Sharks Billiards Association. The team’s victory highlights the competitive spirit and talent that define the league, setting a high standard for future seasons and inspiring players across the nation.

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