The International Pool Tour presents its fifth live broadcast in the IPT Ultimate 8-Ball series. The live broadcast consists of two challenge matches on June 24th, 2008. Both matches will be broadcast absolutely free of charge at
The feature match will be an 8-Ball match between Alex Pagulayan (Philippines) and Karl Boyes (U.K.). Pagulayan is one of the game's most visible and popular players due to his outstanding play and showmanship. Boyes is one of the best players to come out of the United Kingdom. He's known for his aggressive playing style and shot-making ability. This will be the fourth IPT challenge match in a row featuring a player from the Philippines; A Filipino player has yet to be dethroned from this challenge series. Fans can get to know these two players and their stats at
The under-card match will be chosen by the fans. In the recently concluded live IPT challenge match, John Schmidt beat World Champion Oliver Ortmann at 14.1 straight-pool. During the broadcast, pool legend Mike Sigel, one of the match's commentators, made some comments about how he thought that he could beat Schmidt. After the match, Schmidt said that he was open to playing a match against Sigel “any time he wanted.” Pool fans around the world now have the opportunity to vote on whether or not these two players will face each other in the June 24th under-card match. Fans can cast their vote at If this
match-up is not voted for, fans may have the opportunity to vote for another match.
The June 24th matches will be broadcast live, at 8pm (eastern), on These matches are the fifth live broadcast of the Ultimate 8-Ball challenge match series. The matches will be played on a Diamond table with tight pockets, traditional slow-nap cloth made by Gorina. People who would like to be considered to attend the live broadcast in person, in the Los Angeles area, should send their full name, email address, and telephone number to
For more information on this broadcast and past events, including free streaming matches from the last event, visit
File photo courtesy of Diana Hoppe - Pool Pics by Hoppe
Pagulayan vs Boyes in IPT Challenge Match
May 2, 2008