Mike Davis, Jr. goes undefeated to claim second of three 1st Annual Rack Race events in SC

Mike Davis and Josh Roberts

If the Atlantic Coast/Southeast Region ever decides to create a Hall of Fame for its historically notable pool players, the three that just finished at the top (2nd event) of the 1st Annual Rack Race at Rack & Grill III in Aiken, SC would surely be among the group’s first nominees. It would be an interesting ballot, to say the least, and likely give rise to spirited conversation about who might be the first to enter such a Hall. Mike Davis, Jr., Josh Roberts and Billy Ussery, Jr. (1st, 2nd, 3rd at this event) might get some first ballot competition from any number of other significant players, to include any number of worthy women. At the risk of leaving out worthy candidates, we’ll not initiate the conversation here.

Let the AZBilliards Forums debate begin!

The 1st Annual Rack Race events were initiated by Mike Newsome, owner of all three Rack & Grill locations (two in Georgia – Martinez & Augusta – and the one in Aiken, South Carolina). The sound-alike similarity to ‘Rat Race’ is not coincidental as it’s supported by a clever poster that features a grimacing rat, clutching a 9-ball, with “Get That Cheddar” written below. 

“I was looking for something to spice things up above the normal around here,” wrote Newsome in an e-mail. “The Rack Race will have a series of 16 events, three of which will be major events.”

The first such major event, held this past February, was a $2k-added event, while this most recent event added $3k. An event in August will add $4k. Open to anyone, these events will continue into 2024, with a commitment by Newsome to $4/$6/$8k-added for next year’s main events. They will also utilize a system that will award points to participating players, leading to a Player of the Year designation and cash bonus (over and above tournament payouts) for the 1st and 2nd player at the end of the year; the only stipulation on the points bonus being that a player must attend the August event.

This caught the attention of those three potential candidates for a potential area Hall of Fame, who showed up to play and finished at the top of the 2nd event’s 48-entrant heap, so they’ve got a bit of a ‘leg up’ on the end-of-year cash bonus and will likely come back in August. Josh Roberts (who became the defending champion at the 2nd event), Landon Hollingsworth and Brett Underwood went 1, 2, 3 in the February event, so there’s that, too.

Getting to the hot seat, Davis’ opponents kept gaining on him, chalking up 3, 4, 5 and 6 racks against him, though not in that order. After a bye, Davis got by Jason Heyward (4), was responsible for sending Josh Roberts to the loss side (6) and downed Todd Blackwell (3) to arrive at a winners’ side semifinal that he won against Mike Wise (5). BJ Ussery in the meantime, embarked on something of a racks-against roller coaster ride, in which he defeated Marty Free (4), Tommy Muldrow (3), Logan Whitaker (6), Benny Walters (2) and in his winners’ side semifinal, Kelly Farrar (3). Davis upped Ussery’s racks-against by 8, grabbing the hot seat 8-6.

It was Wise who picked up Josh Roberts on the loss side; Roberts in the midst of his seven-match, loss-side streak, destined to end in the finals. He’d recently eliminated Benny Walters 6-1 and Mike Staubs (2). Farrar drew Eddie Wahdan, working on his own five-match, loss-side winning streak that had just ended Todd Blackwell’s day with a shutout before allowing Wahdan to leap-frog over a Robbie Shelley forfeit. 

Roberts downed Wise 6-4 and in the quarterfinals, faced Wahdan, who’d survived a double-hill battle versus Farrar. Roberts ended Wahdan’s loss-side streak 6-2 in those quarterfinals and then, shut out Ussery in the semifinals. Davis won his second match against Roberts 8-4 in the finals to claim the event title.

Tour director and room owner of the three Rack & Grill locations, Mike Newsome, thanked sponsors Garra Fish Spa Experience, National Billiards Academy, Salazar CPA, Gulyassy Cues, Predator Cues, Pepsi-Cola, Digitalpool.com and Newsome Distributing.

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