Lucky 13 Added in Pursuit of NCS 8-Ball Championship Title

Oscar Dominguez

The National Championship Series (NCS) 8-Ball qualifiers around the U.S are heating up as it gets closer to the February 13-15 NCS 8-Ball Championship at the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas.

Thirteen players qualified January 10-11 at the following host rooms: Hawaiian Brian's in Honolulu, HI; Butera's in Moorpark, CA; Pool Sharks in Las Vegas, NV; Casper Billiards outside of Houston in San Leon, TX, and Champion Billiards Sport Café in Arlington, VA.

The players who qualified are:

Brian Deska
Kurt Kobayasji
Duy Ho
Ernesto Bayaua
Jui Lung Chen
Lanny Herrin
Walter Glass
Oscar Dominguez
Mark Haddad
Dan Schneider
Sal Butera
Randy Howell

There are 6 NCS 8-Ball qualifiers scheduled this coming weekend, January 17-18 at the following rooms and locations: World Cup Billiards in Greenville, SC for information contact Keith Rampey (864) 905-4530; Bullshooters in Phoenix, AZ where OnTheRailTV will be streaming that qualifier live. For more information about the Phoenix qualifier contact Jerry Stuckart at (602) 332-4499; Rack ‘Em Billiards, Aurora, CO (303) 755-7675; Hard Times Billiards, Sacramento, CA (916) 332-8793; Golden Fleece Billiards, Kenmore, WA (425) 908-7332; and Red Shoes Billiards, Alsip, IL (708) 388-3700.

CueSports International wishes to thank the host room management, staff and independent tournament directors and promoters who made their qualifiers a success. By hosting an NCS qualifier and promoting their tournament and notifying the players, they directly help to open up a unique opportunity to the players who support their room.

For more information about CueSports International or the NCS please visit their website at or call (702) 719-7665.