Kamperides/Powers split top prizes with McAuliffe/Powers on NE 9-Ball Series Partners event

Jake Rickell, Kerry McAuliffe, Bill Kamperides, Beau Powers, Jon Leandro and Matt Bonarrigo

Ahead of its season finale, scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 5, the New England 9-Ball Series mounted a perennially crowd- and participant-pleasing Partners 9-Ball Tournament at Snooker’s in Providence, RI this past weekend, Saturday, August 17. The team of Bill Kamperides and Beau Powers defeated the team of Kerry McAuliffe and Jake Rickell in a winners’ side semifinal and advanced to the hot seat undefeated. McAuliffe and Rickell returned from the loss side and accepted a split of the top two prizes. The event drew a total of 19 teams of two to Snookers.

As Kamperides/Powers were busy sending McAuliffe/Rickell to the loss side 6-4 in one winners’ side semifinal, the team of Matt Bonarrigo and Jon Leandro were at work sending Mike Felix and Russell Green to the loss side 7-2. Kamperides/Powers claimed the hot seat over Bonarrigo/Leandro 6-3 in what proved to be their last match. 

McAuliffe/Rickell arrived on the loss side to pick up Matt Rezendes and Jeff Cedrone, who’d defeated Jon Borglund and Brian Chase 5-2 and the team of Andy Keenan and Bill Frehill 5-1 to reach them. Team Felix/Green drew Evan Moreau and Edison Bao, who’d eliminated the team of Oscar De Leon and Anthony Olivero 5-2 and Alex Ostuni and Mike Weyant 5-1 to reach them.

McAuliffe/Rickell advanced to the quarterfinals 5-3 over Rezendes/Cedrone and were joined by Moreau/Bao, which had defeated Felix/Green 6-1. McAuliffe and Rickell took another step forward on the loss-side bracket with another 5-3 win, over Moreau/Bao.

In what was known at the time to be the final match of the event (team Kamperides/Powers had already, literally, left the building) McAuliffe/Rickel and Bonarrigo/Leandro fought the only double-hill battle of the event’s final 14 matches. McAuliffe/Rickel won the 5-4 battle, while  Kamperides/Powers, as the undefeated occupants of the hot seat, became the ‘official’ winners of the event.

Tour director Marc Dionne thanked the owners and staff at Snookers for their hospitality, along with sponsors USAPL New England, BEF, FargoRate, AZBilliards, Professor Q-Ball’s National Pool and 3-Cushion News, MJS Construction, OTLVISE, Outsville, Cue Pocket LLC and Just the Tip Cue Repair and Custom Accessories.

As noted earlier, the New England 9-Ball Series will hold its season finale on Saturday, Oct. 5. The event will be limited to 48 players, each of whom has to have competed in at least one event during NE 9-Ball Series season. The $1,000-added Season Finale will be hosted by Yale Billiards in Wallingford, CT.

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