Day two (and round 1) is complete at the IPT World Open 8-Ball Championship and we have another 60 players advancing to round two and another 40 players cashing checks for $5000 and watching the remainder of the event from the stands.
Top players not making the cut on Monday included Shawn Putnam, Troy Frank, Luc Salvas, Teddy Garrahan and Keith McCready. Two other players who will not advance are Tom Storm and Ed Kelly, who were disqualified from the event due to their use of illegal phenolic tips.
Top players Oliver Ortmann, Tony Drago, Michael Hill, Niels Feijen, Earl Strickland, Mika Immonen, Nick Van den Berg, Sandor Tot, Ben Davies, Yannick Beaufils, Fabio Petroni, Neil Raybone, Karl Boyes and Dennis Hatch all made their way through Monday's matches without a loss and will easily move on to Tuesday's round two. Strickland's unblemished record looked in danger in his last match of the day against Jasmin Ouschan, but he came through and scored the 8-6 win.
Up to date round scores are always available during play at the International Pool Tour website.