CueSports International Cancels Final Four Days of CueSports International Expo

CueSports International has cancelled the final four days of the CueSports International Expo and the BCA Pool League World Championships. 


In a statement posted on Facebook, CSI said "As concerns about Covid-19 continue, CueSports International is announcing that the final four days of the Cuesports International Expo are being cancelled. 


Although the Rio Hotel and Casino is not closing, we are taking this step to ensure that we follow CDC recommendations related to social gatherings. 


The event was scheduled to conclude Saturday March 21st, but will now end Tuesday March 17.


Stay tuned for more detailed information. 


We apologize and appreciate your patience as work through this extraordinary situation."


This announcement basically cancels the Junior 8-ball and 9-ball singles events, as well as all 8-ball and 9-ball team events that were scheduled to kick off Tuesday and Wednesday.