Archer – Strickland Tour makes it’s way to Albuquerque

Mark Cantrill and the Eclipse Media Group are in the process of planning several Pool Schools and Exhibitions all over the country with pool and billiards legends Johnny Archer and Earl Strickland.

The tour will hold it's first stop at The Billiards Palace
in Albuquerque, NM on Saturday, May 31st to coincide with the APA State Championships.

The pool school will kick off at 11:00am with a four hour session taught by both Archer and Strickland. There is a maximum of 10 students in the class, in order to guarantee the personal one on one attention.

The cost of this school is only $200.00 for the full four hours; if you wish to attend this school or have any questions please email Mark Cantrill at .

At 7:00 pm, Earl Strickland and Johnny Archer will be holding an exhibition that will include stories from both champions, trick shots, a chance for spectators to challenge the pros and a special challenge match to end the exhibition.

Of course, there will be autograph opportunities at the end of the night.

If you are enrolled in the Pool School there will be no charge for admission for the evening's events.

This will be a great day of pool and billiards for all concerned. Seeing these two champions in the same room under these conditions is not something that will happen very often.

Email now to secure your position.